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Clinically Antipyretic Analgesics more types of drugs and compound preparation, selection should be noted.

1, Antipyretic effect: this class of drugs antipyretic effect. The role of reliable and fast. Mainly by increasing the cooling process. No effect on the production of thermal process. Enable children with fever temperature dropped to normal. But had no effect on the normal body temperature. It should be noted Antipyretic Analgesics medicine is only for symptomatic treatment of fever. Not relieve pathogenic root cause. 

2, Analgesics effects: pain occurs frequently in everyday life. Antipyretic Analgesics for pain and fever medicine, long-term fever, colds, acute rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases caused by a variety of moderate chronic dull. Such as headache, neuralgia, toothache, joint pain, muscle pain better. But for traumatic pain and visceral smooth muscle cramps as intestinal cramps, stomach pains and other invalid. Analgesic effect of the opioid class of drugs with different. Under the anti-inflammatory therapeutic dose. No effect on the mental state of consciousness and other senses. A long time with no addiction. 

3, anti-rheumatic effect: in this class of drugs unless phenacetin, acetaminophen (paracetamol), but have a strong anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic effect. For the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, and acute and chronic rheumatoid arthritis and other ventilation. When inflammation of the local area have increased synthesis of substances called prostaglandins. Thus appear red, swollen, hot, pain and a series of symptoms. The main role of anti-inflammatory drugs is inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis, which can play a therapeutic role

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